I had such a great time talking with everyone about the art and about my plans after graduation. It just lifts you up as an artist when people are interested in your art. A couple of bull riders talked to me for a while about one of my paintings... and even identified the person in one! haha. One of my favorite professors attended. I am so glad he got to see my artwork, I really admire him and his opinion. And after many student shows, I finally had an art student interview me about my work. (We're always told that students will ask us about our work, but it never happens!!!) Anyway! Here's a few snapshots from the evening.
These were the five paintings I elected to have shown.
My senior self-portrait. This is my baby. I am so proud of this painting!
Jenna Murray is my "bestie." She will be graduating in May and we were lucky enough to have the same senior show. I just know she's going to miss me!
I entitled this one "caiman belly." It's all about Brandon and his boots. I bought those boots for him on his birthday one year and he just loves them.
I called him "little man." I don't kiss everything in photographs, if you're wondering. This was kind of an inside joke for the art majors. The entire time I sculpted him I was in love with him, because he got better looking as time went on. Brandon was my model for this piece, so I would often talk to the sculpture and kiss it goodbye, you know, tell him to behave and not collapse from the humidity. Ha.
There is a certain relationship with clay sculpture pieces because they are so fragile...or maybe you just had to be there. A lot of my stories are like that. :)
Congratulations on your senior show! I'm so impressed by your artwork! It's amazing! Seriously! You are so talented! Way to go!