Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Senior Show!!

It finally came!!! and went... I have been preparing for my senior show for four years and it went very well. I got all dressed up and took some mini cupcakes up to the gallery and enjoyed the evening. Lorann made her famous chicken salad dip with wheat thins! I spend most gallery receptions snacking on that, as it is the most delicious thing I have tasted on a wheat thin. Lots of important people came from the faculty and quite a few of my favorite people showed up. Lots of compliments on the entire show. It was really nice having such a variety of work there. I got quite a few compliments on my work. (I was suprised at which pieces turned out to be so popular!) My favorite pieces took second place to my old western genre. Aahh well. My husband, mother, sister, and six or seven friends attended, which made my night!

I had such a great time talking with everyone about the art and about my plans after graduation. It just lifts you up as an artist when people are interested in your art. A couple of bull riders talked to me for a while about one of my paintings... and even identified the person in one! haha. One of my favorite professors attended. I am so glad he got to see my artwork, I really admire him and his opinion. And after many student shows, I finally had an art student interview me about my work. (We're always told that students will ask us about our work, but it never happens!!!) Anyway! Here's a few snapshots from the evening.
These were the five paintings I elected to have shown.
My senior self-portrait. This is my baby. I am so proud of this painting!
Jenna Murray is my "bestie." She will be graduating in May and we were lucky enough to have the same senior show. I just know she's going to miss me!
I entitled this one "caiman belly." It's all about Brandon and his boots. I bought those boots for him on his birthday one year and he just loves them.
I called him "little man." I don't kiss everything in photographs, if you're wondering. This was kind of an inside joke for the art majors. The entire time I sculpted him I was in love with him, because he got better looking as time went on. Brandon was my model for this piece, so I would often talk to the sculpture and kiss it goodbye, you know, tell him to behave and not collapse from the humidity. Ha.
There is a certain relationship with clay sculpture pieces because they are so fragile...or maybe you just had to be there. A lot of my stories are like that. :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your senior show! I'm so impressed by your artwork! It's amazing! Seriously! You are so talented! Way to go!
